Music has always been an integral part of the worship of this parish. Since our two churches have different styles of worship, they also have different styles of music. St. Katharine’s has a 3‐manual pipe organ, two grand pianos, a robed 4‐part adult choir and a small junior choir. St. Nicholas has an electronic organ, electric piano and a music group which functions at some services.
The Choir at St Katherine's
The choir members at St Katharine’s are all extremely dedicated both in attendance and attention to quality. The choir has its practice once per week on Thursday evenings, and has a short rehearsal before each main service. Most of the singing is 4‐part harmony, much of it is unaccompanied. Every main service includes an anthem sung by the choir, usually during the administration of communion. Our choir takes part in music festivals around the diocese, has its own social events during the year and joins in with parish social events.
Music Group at St Nicholas