Please come and join us for our regular Services on Sunday:
9am at St Nicholas
10.30am at St Katharine's
Both churches are open and we also offer a streaming a service from both churches every Sunday.
We are always delighted to hear from people, so if there is anything you need to know that you cannot find here then please don’t hesitate to get in touch, and we will see if we can answer your question.
You may enjoy our Gallery page where you can see some close ups of the some of the beautiful works of art we have in the church. You will also spot some familiar and well-loved faces of the people who make our wonderful Church what it is today:
Both churches have a deep spirituality, and many people value spending time in them.
As a parish we seek to engage with our local community, and to show them the love of Jesus the Messiah in both word and action. Information on supporting local volunteer groups and the 'Together We Can' initiative can be found in the Notices section of the website.
Please do join us for Morning prayer on Zoom (8am Tuesday to Sunday), or for a half hour time of informal prayer on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. More information can be found by clicking the button below:
May God bless you all

St Katharine's
Church Rd
Bournemouth BH6 4AR
St Nicholas
Hengistbury Head
Bournemouth BH6 4EP