Hall Hire
The Parish has three halls which are available for hire, two in the St Katherine's Parish Centre and one at St Nicholas'. Hiring fees can be found at the bottom of this page.
Social Events
The social events are normally organised by the social committee, with practical help from a wide group of people. There is coffee after main services at both churches, with ‘nibble’ type refreshments after festival services. Our events are widely varied, including fish and chip suppers with quiz, 3‐course lunches, full banquets, barn dances, theatre trips, skittle evenings, autumn and summer fayres, parish soiree and other events.
St Katherine's Church Centre
We are proud of our Church Centre, which was opened in 1992. It is let out on a regular basis, with priority given to church use. The lettings are varied, including karate classes, drama, art, yoga, toddler playgroup, baby ballet and others. The centre contains a kitchen, the parish office, the main hall and a smaller hall known as the ‘Vesper Bell’, containing an electric piano which is used for choir rehearsal. The Centre is literally ‘at the centre’ of our social network.
Visitors to our churches often comment on the friendly outlook which they encounter, and this is, in no small way, due to the high level of activity at, and around, the Centre.
St Nicholas' Hall
The hall enjoys the use of a modern fully-fitted kitchen, completely refurbished as part of the church’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. There are two halls which are used for Junior Church classes on Sundays; refreshments are served in the larger hall after the Sunday Eucharist.
At weekends the hall is popular for birthday/baptism party bookings, whilst on weekdays an independent pre‐school meets daily during term time, for 2 full days and 3 half days. They also have an outside soft play area accessed via the smaller hall.
Other users include a local drama group, the 49th Air Scout Groups, a local art group, ornithologists and a monthly meeting of the Hengistbury Residents’ Association meets once a month for most of the year.
Hengistbury Residents’ Meeting in St Nicholas’ Hall
Hiring Fees
See below for our charges for 2024.
For all hall bookings, either at St Katharine’s or St Nicholas, contact the Parish Office on 01202 418476 or email stkatnic@gmail.com